A team of transplant coordinators is established at Hamed Al-Issa Organ Transplant Center headed by a person specialized in Organ Procurement and Organ Transplantation Systems. The head of the department nominates the members of this team. The team is responsible for organizing and contributing to obtaining the human organs from the deaths. To ensure that all brain deaths are reported
A second appointment in each hospital is a physician as a local organ transplant coordinator
In addition to his usual work to report brain deaths and be appointed in coordination with the center of Hamid Al-Issa transplant
Article Three If a patient appears to have symptoms of brain death, the ICU should:
- Contact the Organ Transplant Coordinator at the same hospital or Hamed Al-Issa Center for Organ Transplantation as soon as possible to report the case of death and fill in Appendix A Brain Death Repoting prepared for that
- The coordinator shall call a medical committee set up in paragraph 5 (a) of Law No. 55-87 to verify death
Article IV adopts the procedures for diagnosis of brain death shown in Appendix B Brain Death Diagnosis annexed to this decision
The medical committee provided for in paragraph 5 (a) of Law No. 55-1987 is committed to these procedures when diagnosing BRAIN DEATH cases. The Committee's report on the case of brain death confirms this in the form prepared for this by the attached Brain Death Documentation Form C attached to this decision and signed All the members of the medical committee mentioned the death and the right to lift the recovery devices for the deceased and then the coordinator of transplant members invited the competent committee to meet and convince the deceased's family and request to donate organs
Article 5 When the death occurs in one of the emergency departments in hospitals, the physician shall perform the medical procedures set forth in Annex D, NHBD PROTOCOL, as soon as possible, until the provisions of Articles 5-6 of Law No. 55-87
Article 6 The written consent of relatives of the deceased to transfer organs from his body in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Law No. 55-1987 shall be obtained on the form assigned to him in Annex E attached to this resolution
Article Seven In the absence of the relatives of the deceased in Kuwait Article 6 of Law No. 55-1987 applies to obtain the written approval of the Minister to transfer the organs from the body of the deceased on the form prepared for this in Annex G accompanying this decision. However, this permission may be obtained verbally from the Minister Provided that such consent is subsequently evidenced in writing
Article Eight of the Medical Committee provided for in Article 6 of Law No. 55-1987 When determining the condition of a patient to one or more human beings to save his life according to the provisions of the said Article,
Article 9 Upon obtaining approval for organ donation, the treating physician shall issue the death certificate on the same date and time of death as the brain in paragraph b of Article III of this resolution
The tenth table is a collage for doctors specialists in neurology and neurosurgery to participate in the diagnosis of brain death cases and distributed this table to all hospitals, and is the number of these havens and is responsible for them Mr. Chairman of the Department of Neurology
Article Eleven When fulfilling all the legal procedures stipulated in Law 55-1987 and the decisions executed thereafter and after obtaining the consent to donate the organs of the deceased, the team moves the Department of Organ Transplantation Center Hamed Al-Issa to the place of the case to work procedures for the transfer of organs
A working system for this medical team is put in place to operate 24 hours a day in the department in preparation for human organ transplants
Article Twelve The telephone numbers of the Organ Transplant Coordinator shall be attached to the various sections and suites, especially emergency departments and intensive care, to be placed in a prominent and prominent place in these sections.
Article 13 The Ministry of Health shall bear the expenses incurred in obtaining the consent of the deceased's parents to donate the organs and transfer the body of the deceased to his country
Article Fourteen cancels Ministerial Decision No. 253 of 1989
Article (15) This decision shall be binding on the person who is required to implement it and shall come into effect from the date of its issuance
Minister of Health
Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Jarallah
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Ministry of Public Health
Reference - SS 43 - 11430
Date 30 Jumada II 1409 AH
Corresponding to 6 January 1989
Ministerial Decision No. 44 of 1989
Minister of Public Health
- Having considered the provisions of Law No. 55 of 1987 regarding organ transplantation and the desire to organize the procedures for the transfer of human organs from the deceased
- Based on the recommendation of the competent committee to prepare the executive decisions of Law No. 55-87 and based on the requirements of the public interest and what was presented to us by the Undersecretary of the Ministry
he decided
If the necessary need is to transport a member from the body of a deceased person to save the life of a living patient in the need of such member in accordance with the provisions of Article (1) of this Article, 6 of Act No. 55-1987 referred to above
Article 2 The following procedures shall be followed when transferring human organs from dead bodies in the cases provided for in Articles 2, 5 and 6 of Law No. 55-1987 on Organ Transplantation
1- For the deceased who recommended their members
2. The existence of the will of the deceased must be ascertained before his death, and the deceased should not have objected to the removal of any member of his body by a written declaration signed by two full witnesses
3 - Contact the Department of Transplantation to see the records of the presenter to verify the existence of the will and not to object to the deceased
4- For the deceased who did not recommend their members
5 - Before the transfer of any member of the body of the deceased first obtain the consent of the person found the event of his death from the nearest relatives full eligibility to the second degree
6 - If multiple relatives in one order must be approved by all of them
7 - Obtaining the consent of relatives of the deceased to transfer one or more of his body by written confirmation signed by them with the signature of the staff member of the center next to them as a witness
8. In the case of the transfer of one or more human organs from the body of a deceased person to the body of a living patient in need of a life-saving organ
9. In this case, any member of the deceased may be transferred if a medical committee recommends rescuing a sick person in need of such a member
10. The recommendation for the transfer of one or more members of the deceased must be issued by a medical committee consisting of at least three medical specialists
11. The member recommended by the Medical Committee may not be transferred from the body of the deceased without the approval of the Minister of Public Health
12 - In all cases of transfer of human organs from the body of a deceased death check unequivocally by a committee consisting of three specialist doctors, including a specialist specialist in neurological diseases should not be among the members of the Committee doctor of operation
II. MEDICAL PROCEDURES Physicians should:
- If the doctor is sure of the patient's death and finds that his organs are suitable for cultivation in the body of another patient, he must do the following
- To contact the organ transplantation department to inquire about whether the deceased has recommended the transfer of his organs in his life by calling a medical committee formed as stated in the paragraph of the article of Law No. 55-1987 referred to in the section of the legal procedures for verification of death to inform the surgeon of the department, And for this purpose to contact him directly without reference to any other party to the transplant team to do the following:
- Immediately move to the hospital where the case is located
- Ensure that the legal procedures contained in these procedures are completed
- Examination of the case to verify the safety of the organs and their validity for transport for transplantation to patients
- Removal of a member in the operating room of the hospital where the deceased is located
- The director of the hospital shall issue an internal circular clarifying the instructions to be followed for the processing of the operating room as soon as he is notified by the official about the removal of a human organ. A copy of this circular is sent to Hamed Al-Issa Center for Organ Transplants.
- Doctors in hospitals should immediately notify the transplantation department of all cases of death that occur in the hospital in order to assist the department in obtaining the consent of relatives of the deceased to transfer human organs
- The phone numbers of the Alternate Surgeon in the Department of Organ Transplantation are referred to all hospitals for circulation to various departments and suites, especially the surgical and intensive care departments and the operating rooms, to be placed in a visible place in these sections
- Third Article This decision shall be communicated to the person required for its implementation, and shall come into effect from the date of its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette
Minister of Public Health
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Ministry of Public Health
Reference S-43/11431
Date 30 Jumada II 1409 AH
Corresponding to 6 January 1989
Ministerial Resolution No. 45 of 1989
Minister of Public Health
- Having considered the provisions of Law No. 55 of 1987 regarding organ transplantation and on the recommendation of the Committee to prepare the steps and procedures necessary to implement the provisions of the law referred to above
- Based on the requirements of the public interest, and presented to us by the Undersecretary of the Ministry
he decided
Article 1 The Department of Organ Transplants at the Ministry of Public Health shall establish the following records:
- Register of donors and members of the members of the members who donate their organs and includes the record the following data
- Serial number with donor data including name, age, nationality, religion, occupation, address, number and date of nationality, passport or civil identity
Date of donation
Notes and records any other donor data
The prescribing member is registered and the persons recommended in the register are bound and the record contains the following data
Data on patients include name, age, nationality, religion, occupation, address, number and date of nationality, passport or civil identity
History of will
Notes and records any other statements concerning the commandment
Article (2) The records referred to in the first article of this decision shall be kept in the members' cabinets. A copy of their keys shall be kept by the employee responsible for the registration and maintenance of these records. The other copy shall be deposited with the head of department
Article Three This decision shall be communicated to the person who is required to implement it. It shall come into effect from the date of its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette
Minister of Public Health
**** **** **** ****
Ministry of Public Health
Reference S-43/11432
Date 30 Jumada II 1409 AH
Corresponding to 6 January 1989
Ministerial Decree No. 46 of 1989 specifying the medical centers in which human organ transplants are carried out and the procedures and conditions required to conduct such operations
Minister of Public Health
- Having examined Article 8 of Law No. 55-1987 on Organ Transplantation
- Based on the requirements of the interest of the work, and presented to us by the Undersecretary of the Ministry
he decided
First, organ transplants are performed in the organ transplantation department. These operations may not be carried out in any hospital or any other entity other than the said section, except with the approval of the Ministry of Public Health, and in accordance with the conditions and specifications set by the Ministry
Article 2 Transplants are required to:
First, access to human organs for the purpose of treatment and to obtain these members from the donor's legal sources - the will - the consent of the closest relatives - the necessary cases stipulated in articles 2, 5 and 6 of Law No. 55-1987
Second: Conditions to be met by the donor:
- Not less than twenty-one years old
- To be donated by the member of his choice and of his own free of charge for this donation
- Be medically fit to donate organs to his body
- The donor should be surrounded by procedures for the eradication of the member and fully aware of the complications that may result from them
- The donor has approved in writing the donation, and its approval is signed by two full qualified witnesses and approved by the head of department or his representative
III. Conditions to be met in the deceased:
- The member required to be removed from the deceased must be healthy and medically fit for the patient's body
Article Three This decision shall be communicated to the person required for its implementation and shall come into effect from the date of its issuance and shall be published in the Official Gazette
Minister of Public Health
**** **** **** ****
Ministry of Public Health
Reference - SS 43 - 11431
Date 3 Dhu al-Hijjah 1409 AH
Corresponding to 5 July 1989
Ministerial Decree No. 253 of 1989 regulating the transfer of human organs in cases of death in hospitals affiliated with the Ministry
Minister of Public Health
- Having considered Law No. 55 of 1987
- in the cultivation of organs and decisions implemented by him
- In the interest of the Ministry to establish procedures and executive steps for the transfer of human organs in hospitals affiliated to the Ministry
- Based on the recommendations of the competent technical committee
- Based on the requirements of the public interest, and presented to us by the Undersecretary of the Ministry
he decided
First Article Each Committee in the Ministry of Hospitals shall appoint a committee to designate the Committee for the Coordination of Obtaining Members from the Dead, as follows:
- Head of intensive care or head of anesthesia department in hospital
- A surgeon chosen by the hospital's surgery department
- A representative of the nursing staff
- A representative of the public relations in the hospital
- A social researcher and the director of the hospital names the members mentioned in items 3, 4 and 5 above, and this committee is a link between the hospital and the department of organ transplantation center Hamed Al-Issa, and specializes in cooperation with this section, the following:
Call the medical committee for the death report of cerebral death provided for in article 5, paragraph (a) of Law No. 55-1987, and call the medical committee to determine the need for human organs to save the life of a patient in the case of transfer of organs from dead body in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this Law .
B - informing the Department of Transplantation of brain and other deaths in a timely manner
C - to ascertain the will of the deceased body members or not, and make sure that no objection before his death to remove any member of his body and by contacting the Department of Transplantation of the Center Hamid Alissa
(D) Ensure that all legal and formal procedures for organ donors and brain death cases are met
(E) To contact the relatives of the deceased person whose organs are not recommended to obtain their consent to transfer organs from the body in cooperation with the Department of Organ Transplantation at Hamed Al-Issa Center and to hold seminars at the hospital in order to raise awareness of organ transplantation.
Article Two A permanent technical team is formed by the Department of Organ Transplantation at Hamed Al-Issa Center headed by a person who is specialized in organ transplantation systems. The head of the department nominates the members of this team and is appointed by a decision of the Undersecretary. The team is responsible for organizing and contributing to human organs Scientific and conventional
Article 3 The procedures for the diagnosis of cerebral death are set out in Appendix A to this Resolution
The medical committee provided for in article 5, paragraph 5 (a), of the Act No. 55- 1987 is bound by these procedures when diagnosing BRAIN DEATH
When the Committee determines the case of cerebral death, it shall prove it on the form prepared for it in the annex attached to this decision. It shall be signed by all the members of the medical committee with the approval of death and the lifting of the recovery equipment for the deceased and one of the members of this committee shall sign the death notification of the case
Article Four: The written consent of the relatives of the deceased must be obtained for the transfer of members of his body in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of Law No. 55- 1987 on the attached form in the annex attached to this resolution.
Article 5 The medical committee provided for in Article 6 of Law 55-87 When determining the condition of a patient in need of one or more human beings to save his life in accordance with the provisions of the said Article,
Article 6 When fulfilling the conditions set forth in Article 6 of Law 55-1987, the Minister's approval must be obtained in writing for the transfer of organs from the body of the deceased on the form prepared for that purpose in Annex E attached to this decision. However, this permission may be obtained verbally from the Minister. Later written approval
The seventh table is a collage for doctors specialists in neurology and neurosurgery to participate in the diagnosis of brain death cases and distributed this table to all hospitals and takes the numbers of these havens and is responsible for the President of the Department of Neurology
Article Eight When the medical team in the Department of Organ Transplantation at Hamed Al-Issa Center is notified of a case of death, it shall immediately move to the place of the case to perform the procedures necessary for the transfer of the organs after ascertaining that all the legal procedures provided for in Law No. 55- 1987 and the decisions of the Investigator have been fulfilled. In preparation for human organ transplants
Article Nine The Department of Organ Transplantation at the Hamed Al-Issa Center is equipped with a computer and the staff required to enter the registration data of patients, donors and human organ donors
Article 10 This decision shall be communicated to whoever is required to implement it, and shall come into effect from the date of its issuance
Minister of Public Health
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Ministry of Health
Ibid., Pp. 43-110262
The history of the first spring
31 December 1983
Ministerial Decision No. 465-83 to identify the medical centers where kidney transplants are performed and the procedures and conditions to be performed for such operations
Minister of Public Health
- Having regard to Article 4 of Law No. 7 of 1983 regarding the transplantation of kidneys for patients
- Based on the requirements of the interest of the work, and presented to us by the Undersecretary of the Ministry
he decided
First, kidney transplants are carried out in the transplantation department of Mubarak Hospital. These operations may not be performed in any hospital or any other entity other than the said section, except after the approval of the Ministry of Public Health and in accordance with the conditions and specifications set by this ministry
A second material is required to perform kidney transplants for patients as follows
First get kidney treatment:
Obtaining the required kidneys for transplantation from a donor or a deceased person in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Law No. 7 of 1983
Second Conditions to be met in the patient:
That he has had the necessary medical tests and decides the doctor in the Department of organ transplantation fitness to carry out the transplant of kidney
III. Conditions to be met by the donor:
1. He must be at least eighteen years of age
2 - to be donated to the college issued by him of his choice and his will without any material compensation for this donation
3 - to be completely free from any renal disease or other organic diseases, and that the blood pressure is normal, and must be negative for the generators of objects for viral hepatitis B type
4 - to be identical with the patient in terms of blood type and antibody generators, and human tissue groups
5 - be fully aware of the procedures for the eradication of the kidney and the complications that may result
6 - to be taken a written declaration of donation signed by two witnesses and approved by the head of the Department of organ transplantation or his representative
IV. Conditions to be met in the deceased person:
1. The kidney to be removed from the deceased must be intact and suitable for transfer to the patient's body
2- The deceased should not be infected with cancer or cancer other than brain cancer
3. The deceased has been recommended by written consent signed by him and two witnesses and approved by the head of the transplantation department or his representative. In other than the cases of the will, the written consent of the nearest relatives of the deceased shall be obtained in the following order:
- Sons and daughters and sons of sons and then parents and then grandfather on the father's side and then brothers and sisters and then the sons of brothers and then uncles and sons of uncles and not the husband or wife saw in this interruption of marital relationship death
Article Three This decision shall be communicated to whoever is required for its implementation, and shall come into effect from the date of its issuance
Minister of Public Health